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When we meet David Frank he is a mess. A wounded lion. His spirit shattered by the death of his wife ...View More
It is no secret that there is a lot riding on the success of the #JWST mission. This is the largest ...View More
Even though it's way more expensive to put telescopes in space, they can do things telescopes on Ear ...View More
One of the world's largest and most innovative ground-based observatories is scheduled to come onlin ...View More
As we anxiously await the launch of #JWST, let's talk about one of the main science missions of the ...View More
The Hubble Space Telescope has been with us over 30 years providing perspective on the universe we n ...View More
I usually talk about new missions BEFORE they actually launch but this one caught me off-guard. Let' ...View More
Let's check in on #JWST. If you'd like to join these stream with your audio, join the Deep Astronomy ...View More
JWST represents the pinnacle of human achievement in space robotic telescopes. With this instrument, ...View More
It's been a long, long road and while I'm sure the scientists and engineeers that have given decades ...View More
As JWST continues its deployment (so far so good!), it's natural to start thinking about the observa ...View More
When we meet David Frank he is a mess. A wounded lion. His spirit shattered by the death of his wife ...View More
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